About Us

Why Omniversity?

Omniversities are chartered to share the knowledge of our multidimensional reality and sciences.

Universities are gate-keeping this new knowledge. Universities are chartered to study the establishment sciences of the Universes of time, energy, space, and matter.

Universities gate-keep the scientific study of the Spiritual Dimensions of the Omniverse such as the soul, life after death, the Interlife, Spirit, reincarnation, Spiritual Beings, and Source [God] as well as ExoSciences such as quantum access, teleportation, and time travel, and PsiSciences such as the study of psi, ESP, telekinesis, and telepathy.

OMNIVERSITY.net  offers Courses in the scientific study of Exopolitics, ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Spiritual Sciences, subjects universities suppress.

The Equation describing the Omniverse is: Omniverse = Multiverse [All Universes] + Spiritual Dimensions

Things that make us proud

OMNIVERSITY.net is now open and offering Students and Awakening Adults worldwide Courses and Classes in the scientific study of Exopolitics, intelligent civilizations in the Universe; ExoSciences and quantum access, teleportation, and time travel, Secret Space program technology; PsiSciences, the study of psi [human psychic capacity], ESP, telekinesis, and telepathy, and the scientific study of the Spiritual Dimensions of the Omniverse such as the soul, life after death, the Interlife, Spirit, reincarnation, Spiritual Beings, and Source [God], as well as AI sentient Artificial Intelligence.

Conventional Universities are the gate-keepers of this new multidimensional knowledge. Universities are chartered to study the establishment material sciences of the Universes of time, energy, space, and matter only.

Omniversities are chartered to share the knowledge of our multidimensional reality and sciences.

  • OMNIVERSITY.net : Courses in Exopolitics deal with Relations among intelligent civilizations in the Multiverse, technology taught by human contactees with Extraterrestrial civilizations and U.S. Secret Space Program explorers of the planet Mars.
    • OMNIVERSITY.net : Courses in ExoSciences deal with Time Travel, Teleportation taught by former US Chrononaut time travellers, and Quantum Access energy sciences.
    • OMNIVERSITY.net : Courses in PsiSciences deal with ESP, telepathy and PsiSciences
    • OMNIVERSITY.net : Courses in Spiritual Sciences deal with the scientific study of Life After Death [the Interlife], reincarnation, Spiritual beings, the Soul and God/Source], Sciences that are being suppressed by conventional universities except at outliers such as the University of Virginia Medical School.

SOON! OMNIVERSE BOOKS COURSE OMNIVERSITY.net  will be now offering the OMNIVERSE BOOKS COURSE, patterned on the “Great Books Course” in conventional universities and based on the ORIGINAL OMNIVERSE TITLES IN THE OMNIVERSITY BOOK LIBRARY, which you can access at: https://Omniversity.us .

2025 Omniversity.net - Special Courses Enroll Now!

English Course #1 A Public Inquiry About Earth’s Future In 2046 ,and English Course #3 The Chronogarchy – Starts Monday September 15, 2025.Curso en español #3 Una Investigación Pública Sobre El Futuro De La Tierra En 2046: nicio: Lunes 15 de septiembre de 2025

English Course #2 The Science of life after death and the the omniverse, English -Starts Monday September 15, 2025 .Curso en Español #4: La ciencia de la vida después de la muerte y el omniverso: Inicio: Lunes 15 de septiembre de 2025